Discussion: My favorite romantic tropes

Book Discussion, Uncategorized

In the grand scheme of things, shipping is probably goes at the bottom of the list of things of importance. But shipping has always been and will probably always be important to me. I might be a pessimist at times but in my heart of hearts I will always be a lover of love stories, preferably ones with HEAs. So let’s talk about love stories and romance but more specifically, what makes a couple an OTP for me? What are some tropes on romance that I will devour again and again? 

Perhaps the most important thing to me in order to get me to ship a couple is to ask do I like them as individuals and can they exist as individuals on their own with a world apart from who they love. Love is a uniting of two people. How can I like them together if I don’t like them apart or if I get more development for one character and not the other how can I feel that they really love each other? This is where all these romance tropes are born. I love Kaz and Inej from Six of Crows because they are so independent from each other makes it more special when they come together, the fact that they are so independent lets the other person figures things out on their own while still silently supporting each other. Inej never tries to change Kaz and vice versa, but she won’t give up who she is for him.  It’s a reason why I’ve never really liked Edward and Bella from Twilight, Bella of course wanting to be a vampire solely because of Edward. What does she even like?

It sounds sort of weird but one of the most important things to an OTP for me and maybe the most important thing is their wit/banter or their chemistry with each other. You might be thinking, umm what about respect? honesty? Nope, it’s chemistry. It’s that initial attraction, something about these two people that makes you interested in them. It can start in a meet cute or some sort of romantic plot device to have them realize their feelings for each other. After that, it’s where the fun part comes in. Most if not all romances can be boiled down to a trope but when these tropes are executed well, an OTP is born.

  1. The slow burn-usually culminates in a kiss after lots and lots of angst

My favorite couples of all time have been slow-burn, sometimes so painfully slowburn. Percy and Annabeth from the Percy Jackson series are one of my favorite slow-burns that felt so completely natural and lovable. It’s even more lovable because we get to see them grow up together from kids to young adults and it’s just so heartwarming. Chuck and Sarah from Chuck were also extremely slow burn mostly because Sarah had trust issues but it just felt all the more natural and sweet when they did get together.

Image result for viria percabeth

Percy and Annabeth (I forgot where I got this but it’s not mine)

It’s important to note that even though I like slow-burn relationships, there’s still an initial spark to them that made me want to ship them in the first place. I love Arin and Kestrel‘s from The Winner’s trilogy initial tension but like mindedness in their wit and banter which made their slow-burn all the more heart achingly angsty.  Pam and Jim from the Office. I really got to see how they’ve changed over the course of the seasons and having them finally be together was just perfect

Image result for arin x kestrel fanart

Arin and Kestrel playing Bite and Sting :3 (Credit)

2. Dynamic Duo-Two people are similar and capable in ways and just are there to mentally support the other

I love this trope because we get to see dynamic duos just take on the world together and the other half knows that the other person can handle shit and just mentally supports them. This is why I love Leslie and Ben from Parks and Recreation because they are so supportive of each other even as they have their own big ambitions. I also really like this trope  because it gives both parties a chance to save the other and have a battle of wills.My

Famous hand-holding scene in 2×05 

favorite non-canon couple is Shiro and Allura from Voltron. They’re both really intense leaders that feel the need to take on burdens and responsibilities for the rest of the team. But they often disagree strongly with each other and they’re kind of each other’s voice of reason. It’s all the more satisfying when they have their moment of happiness. My other favorite non-canon couple for this trope that I’ve been shipping for years is Eragon and Arya from the Inheritance cycle. And did my shipping pay off??? Nope, Christopher Paolini just decided to leave me hanging..

One ship that does this trope well in my opinion is Once Upon a Time’s Regina and Robin. I don’t even watch the show and I know what happens to Robin but holy shit, this ship is so much better to me than Captain Swan. I just completely love their strength but understanding that they can be vulnerable with each other without undermining that strength. Another dynamic duo that I ship and I don’t even watch the show but I love their gifs on Tumblr is Bellamy and Clarke from The 100. Again, the whole they’re both leaders

Phillip and Elizabeth 

and they subtly support one another is my jam. One show that I recently started watching, The Americans also does this well; Phillip and Elizabeth are already on my top OTP list because not only are they a great dynamic duo (they both kick ass and take no names), but their well-being depends on them forming sexual and romantic connections with other people but somehow the show is able to convey that they have a special understanding for each other and their silent support of one another gives me life despite their deepest reservations about the other. And speaking of silent support, San and Ashitaka and San from Princess Mononoke I love too because they like each other but they realize they have a duty to other people besides themselves and that kind of selflessness makes me love them all the more.

3. Weird meets weird- one person’s weird is perfect for another person’s weird

Every person is some level of weird and I like this trope because it makes me believe that there is someone on that same type and level of weirdness that just makes them perfect together. Probably the ultimate example of this is April and Andy from Parks and

Jimmy x Gretchen

Recreation. April is eternally annoyed and cynical. Andy eternally naive and optimistic. But somehow their eccentric humor and personalities just mesh and it’s just so cute. Gretchen and Jimmy from You’re the Worst are both terrible and pessimistic people that shouldn’t be in a relationship with anyone decent but somehow you just love the two of them together because they just get each other and they kind of throw societal expectations of what should happen in a relationship down the drain.  The opposite of that would be Jake and Amy from Brooklyn Nine Nine. They’re both too pure for this world but they’re nerds on the inside so they just meld p

Jake x Amy ❤ 

erfectly together. My other favorite workplace couple is Jonah and Amy from Superstore (they’re not together…yet..). On the surface, they seem like the stereotypical no-nonsense girl and the idealistic guy trope but as the episodes go on, you realize that they are so similar. They love getting into other people’s business and both have the same core views about the workplace. I love them so much

4. Witty Playfulness- Usually consists of witty banter and being playful with another person that they’re usually not with others

I normally make it a rule not to ship real life people together because I don’t truly know them but usually if they have a video together or act together, I just find myself loving their dynamic. I love this trope because it’s so telling of how their minds think and it just shows that they have the same type of humor. Haven’t you ever talked to a person that did not have the same humor as you and just felt awkward. Like can I really be with someone who doesn’t understand memes?? (jk, but not jk, but jk). This is why I’m in love with

Wow please tell me you two are back together please… 

Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone‘s relationship ever since I saw them in The Amazing SpiderMan. Like I’m in this for life. Just look at any interviews they have together. Any and you cannot deny that they’re meant to be (i’m being dramatic). I know that they broke up and I respect that but have you seen the things they say about each other even now? Also they both just got nominated for Oscars and they hugged during the BAFTAs just two days ago. Don’t tell me love ain’t real.

For some reason, I also love Marzia and Felix who both have really popular Youtube channels. They’re so adorable. I’ve literally watched all their videos together.

5. Opposites Attract-Bad boy meets good girl or even better, bad girl meets good boy

In real life, this would more likely not happen because statistically, you’re more likely to be with someone who is more similar to you than not. I like seeing how two people who never really like each other because of who they are end up falling for each other anyway or somehow end up spending time together because of some unforeseen circumstance. The ultimate one for me right now (non-canon) is Haley and Andy from Modern Family. I mean she’s like this popular girl who’s too cool for school. He’s not that…cool and pretty nerdy but it just works. Another perfect example of the opposites attract is Ryuuji and Taiga from Toradora. Ryuuji is sweet and kind and loves doing housework and cooking but he has a face that makes him unapproachable to many people. Taiga, on the other hand, is super cute and short but she is actually irascible and has a really bad temper. Their interactions are just hilarious because they’re so different. Nina and Matthias from Six of Crows is kind of in that same vein. Nina is flirtatious and confident, Matthias more reserved and conservative and that just makes their interactions so interesting and fun to read because there’s always that tension, having these two personalities at odds with one another. The most recent one that I ship is Jonathan and Nancy from Stranger Things. I
know, I know, that the writers dared to actually have Steve undergo character development and that was such a pleasant surprise but please, you just can’t give me angsty stares and not have me ship Jancy. Again, I love the trope because these two people would have never crossed paths if it hadn’t been for the mystery of the strange creature.


6. Star-Crossed Lovers/Forbidden Love

This trope is so cliche but I eat it up like no other. I think, if done right, it’s actually one of the most insightful romantic tropes to be used. Forbidden love usually means there’s some societal, cultural, or familial aspect in the way of two people getting together. And if done right, this trope can prove what love makes people do. What are they willing to sacrifice for another and isn’t that one of the most romantic things of all? To defy the selfish nature of survival and humanity itself. My ultimate couple for this one has to Sharzhad and Khalid. They’re honestly one of my favorite couples in general of all time but Renee Ahdieh really plays this trope well because they will never apologize for loving the other person even though Khalid supposedly killed her best friend and Sharzhad is supposed to die.

Also, Khalid definitely knows how to talk.

They never deny their attraction to the other person which is common in forbidden love stories. The other couple that comes to mind is Evan and Maise from Unteachable because they understand how wrong on paper it is but they are attracted to each other and they’ll hide it but they won’t deny their attraction.

7. Rivals-Always competing against one another but everyone knows they should just hook up already

I think I first fell in love with this trope surprisingly when I read The Taming of the Shrew by Shakespeare himself. It was further cemented when I read The Night Circus, the two magicians, Celia and Marco being actual rivals in a deadly, magical game. I like this trope because it gives an automatic level of sexual tension above the others and it makes it so much more sweet when they do find common ground. This was especially true when I started shipping Keith and Lance from Voltron. They’re always bickering and trying to outdo the other person but when they share a serious moment, it is out of this world. Please be canon!!

And how could I forget Elizabeth and Darcy, always trying to outsass the other. Jane Austen probably knew what sexual tension was before it was even a thing.

8. Friends to Lovers

This trope is precious because often the feelings of love aren’t realized until something happens but that deep-seated love was always there even if the characters don’t see it but the audience does. Percabeth is a classic YA one but I also love Emma and Knightley from Emma and the webseries. Emma and Knightley have such a deep knowledge of the other person and it’s so endearing to watch them voice what the other person is already thinking.


9. Fake Relationship

This is my most recent favorite that I didn’t even know I liked but like friends to lovers, it deals with the concept of being so sure that the other person is just a friend or someone you thought was one thing to you but it turns out to be another. Fake relationships are fun because the person is using the other person to get someone else so they think they won’t fall for the other person. My favorite one so far is Peter and Lara Jean from To All the Boys I’ve loved Before. I also liked Gia and Hayden from The Fill-In Boyfriend though it’s not as well developed or endearing as Peter and Lara Jean.

OMG HOW ADORABLE. It’s Kitty, Lara Jean, and Peter!!  Credit

Of course, great OTPs will do these tropes well but they are also some combination of these tropes. Percy and Annabeth are a combination of the dynamic duo, the slow burn, the playfulness and a few shades of the opposites attract. What are some of your favorite tropes and your favorite otps that fall under these tropes. I obviously need more pairings to ship…obviously. I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day and if these ships have taught me anything, if you are in a good relationship, you’ll feel the love and respect you deserve everyday 🙂






My Week in TV Comedy

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I love watching TV comedy and fall TV is coming up with new shows and returning ones so I decide to test watch a bunch of new comedies and some returning ones for each day of the week of September 19th. All synopses I’ve provided are from Wikipedia. And here are my thoughts, which ones I’ll keep watching, and which ones I’m dropping.



*The premiere aired on Monday, the 19th but regular showings are on Thursdays.

The Good Place is an interesting concept and from what I’ve seen of the first three episodes, the worldbuilding is very vibrant, compelling, and slightly whimiscal even though it has the potential for a lot of loopholes of the same caliber as Once Upon a Time because there are no rules. The Good Place is essentially a heaven where literally anything can happen. You can see how that might lead to a lot of convenient plot solutions. The characters could use a loooooot of work. The first episode comprised of Eleanor learning how not to be selfish anymore and this arc has been done sooo many times before and this show didn’t do anything refreshing for this arc and I find the characters continue to be as bland going into the third episode. And I’m surprised considering that the creator of this show is Mike Schur who created Parks and Rec and Brooklyn Nine Nine. So when I found that, he was the only reason why I’m holding out on this show so hopefully it picks up soon. Also, I continue to appreciate the vast diversity of characters (in terms of race) that Schur includes without making race jokes all the time.

Verdict: Keep watching (for one or two more episodes, but if it doesn’t pick up, I’m dropping)


And speaking of Brooklyn Nine Nine, it returned for its fourth season last Tuesday. I think B99 lost a little bit of its humor in the last season but it did pick up near the end and I think it went into the premiere really strong especially because the strongest relationship in the show is the one between Captain Holt and Jake Peralta. If you love Parks and Rec, check out this show. It’s well worth it.

Verdict: Keep Watching (of course)


When I first heard about this show, I jumped on it right away because a) childish Gambino was on the show and b) Childish Gambino was on the show. However I think the humor and the plotlines are a little lost on me. I think there’s just a lot of subtext that I don’t understand. But this is a show that could potentially be a great satire and Donald Glover is an excellent actor.

Verdict: Dropping (might catch up later)



I have so many family sitcoms that I thought I would be bored of this. After watching it, I feel like it’s sort of like a second cousin to The Middle. And even though, it hit a lot of the same notes as other family sitcoms like first crushes, dealing with neighbors etc. etc., it has a lot of potential for character. The first few episodes were unsure about how to handle some of the family members and I want to see more from them. I’m glad the casting directors actually casted a child with cerebral palsy to play a character with cerebral palsy and I’m looking forward to seeing more of the family dynamics. The humor is your standard family sitcom humor although a lot of wasn’t funny to me (probably because of the acting).

Verdict: Keep Watching


I have had my qualms with Modern Family especially in the most recent seasons because they kept falling on the same jokes and what once were refreshing storylines grew tiresome and just too safe which is sad to say for a show that was once heralded for being progressive. But there’s something about the acting performances and the more nuanced messages (like the most recent episode) that it sends about our daily lives that are different from other mainstream family sitcoms that keeps me watching. Also I just really like Haley and Andy.

Verdict: Keep Watching (with some hesitations)

the-5I just literally finished watching the most recent episode and this show just keeps on giving me more extremely pleasant surprises. I have since made peace with the fact that this show is not the funniest out there (at least for me). It’s packed with too many obscure references I don’t get and the dialogue a little too verbatim and scripted for the delivery to be funny. BUT. But it more than compensates for that with its impeccable storylines. It subverts and upends so many romantic comedy formulas and makes them so refreshing and new but still sweet and well..romantic. These characters are some of the nastiest out there in TV but you feel for them anyway and the producers and directors are also not afraid to explore topics like depression and PTSD even in a comedy that never crosses over into dark humor. It maintains its lightheartedness all throughout. And best of all, these topics are neither brushed over nor oversimplified. All in 20 minutes. This show has my heart and I highly recommend.

Verdict: Keep watching (duh)



This show also has a piece of my heart. It clearly has an agenda as a progressive show but unlike Modern Family, it is actually successful in making a conversation. It’s also one of the most hilarious and feel-good shows out there right now. Even people I know who usually hate comedy because they “don’t get the jokes” love Superstore because we’ve all been to the store so the jokes are so relatable. These characters are some of the most lovable out there, endearing and eccentric ones reminiscent of Parks and Rec and The Office, ones that you just want the best for because they care for each other even if they don’t show it.

Verdict: Keep watching (obviously)



There wasn’t any new or returning comedy that premiered on Friday so I decided to watch Transparent. Transparent feels a lot more like drama than comedy sometimes so the humor is biting, more dark. That’s combined with almost soap-opera type drama that never feels over the top with its melancholic tone and careful pacing. But even from the first episode, the main story surrounding our main character, Mort, and his transition to being a woman, feels endearing and heartbreaking all at once. There also seems to be a kind of trend on TV right now where all the characters are unlikeable so all her three children are really selfish and they’re not as endearing, more amusing to watch as they get into more and more shit.

Verdict: Keep Watching

Some comedies on my “to watch”:



Let me know if you’ve seen any of these or what fall TV comedies you are excited for! =)




Favorite TV shows of 2015

favorites, Uncategorized

I’ve probably mentioned these shows at one point or another on my blog but I thought it’d be nice to compile them into one post.

  1. Jessica Jones

I actually think this might be the show of 2015 for me. It was exciting; it was dark and gritty; it had a wonderful villain. But my favorite thing about JJ is the portrayal of the antihero. I love reading and watching antiheroes as characters and I think JJ is one of the best antihero characters that I’ve had the pleasure of watching. It was fun getting to know what kinds of powers she had. The friendship between her adoptive sister, Trish, and her is also heartwarming. I also really liked how the show developed Trish’s character. And of course, the plot was exciting and action-packed. I never really watch dramas but the fact that this stands at the top is very indicative of how highly I think of it.

2. Gravity Falls

I’m a sucker for stories with eccentric characters going on crazy adventures. And this show would be the definition of that. But it’s a prime example of amazing character development and equally amazing animation. I also love the overarching story that follows Dipper and Mabel throughout the three seasons. I’m going to miss the characters and this story so much when the series finale comes around next year. It has such a rich atmosphere of mystery, weird fun, and humor.

3. Gran Hotel

There are a lot more problems with this show than should be there for me to put this on my top list but I loved the costumes, the landscapes, the set designs, and most of all the romance between our two main protagonists. At the beginning, the mystery always kept you on your toes. It’s the type of show where the characters are shady and they always have ulterior motives and you kind of hate them but you just can’t stop watching.

4. Broad City

Broad City follows two friends in their 20’s, Abbi and Illana, as they navigate life together. It sounds like a lot of comedies revolving around friendship but I think this show is unique in the sheer absurdity of its plot lines. I think the actresses are particularly talented in slapstick comedy as well. Its craziness is grounded in  the endearing and hilarious friendship between Abbi and Illana.

5. Parks and Recreation 

It’s very rare for me to marathon 6 seasons of a show in a month but that’s what I did with Parks and Rec. I actually started this show back when it was in its first season but I didn’t really like it but my friend started watching it in 2014 and I thought I’d give it another shot and I loved it. I love the interactions and the friendship between the characters.

6. You’re the Worst Season 2

This show continues to surprise me in the best ways possible. The romance between our antihero protagonists continues to grow and change in ways I haven’t seen in other romantic comedies. This season went a dark and risky route but it ended up being one of the most rewarding. Despite the dark turns, the show doesn’t forget that it’s suppose to be a comedy and it’s suppose to be romantic and it still manages to be both.

Honorable Mentions:

Community Season 6

Fresh Off the Boat

Steven Universe


Orphan Black Season 2
