Fictional Summer Lookbook

Book Recommendations, Misc, Uncategorized

I’m feeling really summery right now probably because I just finished The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson aka Ms. Queen of Summer Contemporary. Sigh dogs, cute guys, quirky diners, and 4 awesome friends. What more could you want in a YA contemporary? What more could you want in a summer? Actually no, it would have been better if one of the dogs was a corgi because corgis are my favorite.

It is my least favorite Matson so far although I still have Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour left to read but still really enjoyable. Anyways, I was inspired to create some summer outfits for some fictional characters. I’m actually a really big fan of fashion so why not combine books and fashion?

So of course, first of all The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson. This outfit was actually inspired by one of the outfits the main character, Andie, wore for one of her dates.



I’m actually not a fan of denim but it’s seriously made such a comeback in the past year. But it’s definitely very versatile and I feel like this outfit works so well for whatever Andie is planning to do. Whether it be going to the diner with friends, walking dogs, going on casual dates, or doing a scavenger hunt, or you know going on last-minute bookstore trips (that scene was so cute)

Caelena in Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas is such a badass (even though her assassin skills are in question tbh) that if she existed in our contemporary world, I always imagine her in some kind of leather jacket (and then consequently beating up gangsters in the dark or something). So I gave it to her.



The thing about Caelena is that she can rock battle clothing but she feels very comfortable in a dress as well (which is really refreshing in a heroine) so I just added a really flirty top and some pink heel boots that are both feminine and edgy which I think is basically Caelena. Also I think it’s an awesome summer outfit for nighttime adventures. I can just imagine her going out on her motorcycle to watch the stars..

On the other end of the spectrum, I designed an outfit for Lara Jean from To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han. I feel like Lara Jean has such a distinct style, very cutesy and sophisticated.


I remember when she was dressing up once, that she liked to dress in vintage clothing? If I’m wrong, this is embarassing, but the collared top really has a vintage feel to it while being modern at the same time. I paired with the skater skirt because it’s fun but relatively conservative. I also adore the messenger bag mostly because of the buckles, it’s really sophisticated. Anyways I can totally see Lara Jean wearing this to bake something with Kitty or going on a casual Starbucks date with Peter.

What’s summer without going to the beach? The Summer of Chasing Mermaids by Sarah Ockler takes place in a beach town.


It’s been a while since I’ve read the book but I do remember the main character going to beach parties think. I used a lot of ocean type of jewelry because why not, they’re so cute. I would totally get that starfish ring. But I tried to pick flowy, nonconstricting types of clothing that you’d wear to the beach. The wedges are practical for the beach but I don’t care because I’m wedge-obsessed right now and this was the best outfit it worked with hehe.

One of my favorite scenes in Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson, is the one where Sloane and Emily try to go in a club with fake IDs (even though they didn’t actually end up going in) but I had a fun time imagining what they’d wear.


Ever since I bought red lipstick, I’ve been dying for a chance to wear it. Surprisingly, works really well for me. But yeah, I was going for sexy..

If Simon had a concert outside on a hot summer day with his band, it’s my headcanon that Isabella would wear something like this.


I honestly don’t know why chokers are so popular all of a sudden but I’m starting to warm up to them. I’m also all about the dark pink lipstick. I feel like this outfit would also work really well for sightseeing somewhere so maybe Anna from Anna and the French Kiss?

Which outfit is your favorite, if any at all? Favorite summer outfits? Favorite summer reads?

Disclaimer: All pictures of individual clothes are not mine. Creation of photosets was helped by the website






Trailer Reactions: Zombies, Aliens, Eddie Redmayne, and Cheese

Trailer Reaction

Welcome to another trailer reaction post! It’s not a true reaction this time because I have seen these trailers before but I’ll still use the same format. I’ve seen a lot of movie trailers this month so I’m doing a reaction for the following: The 5th Wave, The Danish Girl and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

The Fifth Wave

  • Ummmm, the plane and that fire are so obviously fake. Can we do some better CGI?
  • Damn it I forgot that guy’s name! But he’s cute..Ben? I think..The person Cassie had a crush on..
  • Um can the water look any more fake…
  • Evan’s pretty cute too, not gonna lie
  • action
  • wow much action
  • such action
  • cheesy dialogue with extra cheese on top

This movie can honestly go both ways but at this point, I’m a more than a little skeptical. It just looks like a mish mash of every single action movie already out there and post-apocalyptic movie put together. But Chloe is a good actress so we shall see.

The Danish Girl

The Danish Girl is based on the book by David Ebershoff. It is a historical/historical fiction novel (based on a true story) set in Denmark during the 1920’s about Lili Elbe and her transformation as one of the pioneers of transgender history. She was also one of the first (recorded) to undergo sex reassignment surgery. One of the negatives about the book, for me, was that I think the author didn’t delve as deep into the relationship between Lili (formerly Einar) and her wife as much as I think would allow for more character development and I’m hoping the movie will provide more interactions between these two because I think their relationship is one of the most fascinating aspects of the book. There’s been criticism towards the casting directors for casting a cisgendered man to play a transgendered woman. Obviously, it’s important to give these roles to trans people but I think that the physical transformation is as equally important to the story and having that transformation be gradually seen in the actor that has not undergone transformation will be interesting. So I’m a little on the fence about the criticism but anyways, I love the lush setting and the acting seems really well done so can’t wait to see it. This movie couldn’t have come at a better time considering the ever growing strive for transgender rights but also the discrimination against trans people.

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

  • I really liked Lily James in Cinderella but she’s an ok Elizabeth to me
  • i still don’t know who Darcy is
  • if it’s Sam Riley, he doesn’t seem like a Darcy to me
  • Matt Smith! Sorry but cannot unsee Doctor Who..
  • he looks like Chace Crawford..kind of..
  • omg so creepy, that zombie though..
  • finally a trailer doesn’t reveal every single plot twist of the movie..

The only thing I really want for this movie is that I hope it doesn’t take itself too seriously and that it keeps the essence of what Pride and Prejudice is about.

Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments

  • i can already tell this is gonna be bad
  • omg stop
  • pls
  • stop

The alternate title for this trailer should be “Sexy People With Runes and Weapons” or “Vampire Diaries but with Shadowhunters”..I can’t even..this is cheesier than cheese and that’s saying something because how can you be cheesier than cheese. *slaps forehead* But I’ll still watch it..if only for SImon and Isabelle :3

Are you excited for any of these movies/TV shows? Let me know what you thought of these trailers!
