What I’ve Been Watching: September/October/November

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I’ve just given up on trying to do these every month because I have a problem with being consistent. But anyways, I have actually updated my “What I’ve Been Watching” tab on my blog. I got the idea from Summer @xingsings who I probably mention at least once a month on this blog now that I think about it LOL. She actually made a list of Asian dramas by name on her blog and I normally organize by month but I decided to organize it by the name of the movie/TV show and link it to my thoughts/review instead. I’m determined to do full reviews/mashup reviews on some of these this month so look out for those.

As usual, here is the full list. I’ve bolded those that I will be having reviews for. I’ve also italicized the ones I already have reviews for. The rest I put thoughts on below. Enjoy!


Finding Dory Image result for finding dory

I’m one of those cynics that doesn’t understand why there needed to be a sequel to Finding Nemo. I thought this was entertaining and had its sweet moments especially with Dory and her parents and I’m always impressed by the ways that the writers come up with to get Dory from one place to another while still having water for her to breathe. But I mostly thought it just touched on the same emotional tones as Finding Nemo so it just seemed like a copy of the original. What once was considered new and fresh is now just old news. If Pixar decides to do a Finding Marlin next, I will sue them (I won’t) but still..


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Honestly I would not have watched this if my friend hadn’t forced me to. I’m not the hugest fan of superhero movies but I’m really glad he convinced me though because Deadpool is hilarious and this movie was done pretty well. I love the action scenes, the crude humor done just right, the reluctant hero played perfectly by Ryan Reynolds all meshed together to make a solid story. I think I liked it because as a superhero movie, it still has the same touches of a hero movie but never takes itself too seriously so it feels more of a comic romp. I did wish the one of two main female characters we see had more to do with the story than just to serve as emotional fodder/damsel in distress for the main character. But overall, a very enjoyable movie and I can’t wait for the sequel.

The Gift

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This movie would have been soooo good if it hadn’t been for that ending! It was so offensive! I’d still recommend this movie though. It was deftly crafted, a psychological thriller with some suspenseful horror moments. The premise is about Simon and his wife, Robyn who have recently moved house. They’re buying house stuff when they meet Simon’s old high school friend, Gordon. Gordon randomly starts giving them homecoming gifts everyday to the point where it starts becoming creepy and chaos ensues from there. It’s definitely a slow burn but still suspenseful movie that gets under your skin with great acting. It has a lot to say about the past and about people who try to leave it behind.


Young Justice Season 1

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It’s been recently announced that Young Justice will actually have a season 3 coming to Netflix! I’m so excited for the hard core fans who have been waiting years for this. I watched and really liked Season 1. I’m surprised at how well the action scenes are animated considering that sometimes the 90’s/early 2000’s animation is a bit static when it comes to facial expressions. I totally love the group ensemble but also the individual arcs in each episode and I really like that this show delves into actual teenage problems in a mature way like dealing with parental expectations and insecurities. I think Superboy is the most unintentionally hilarious of the bunch because he is probably the most angsty teenager in the history of fictional angsty teenagers. He’s just so dramatic all the time that it’s funny.

Before the Flood (documentary)

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This is a documentary on climate change that was produced by Leonardo Di Caprio who’s been an environmental activist for quite some time now. This was just ok because it spends basically the entire time trying to prove that climate change exists and providing very little solution to the problem. I do like that it touches on what climate change means in a lot of different countries. But yeah, overall, a little ineffective because if you don’t believe in climate change, you’re not likely to be persuaded and if you do believe in climate change, this is just reiteration. I mean this shouldn’t even be a “believe” situation because it’s actually happening but that’s the world we live in.

The Fear of 13 (documentary)

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I’ve been really into shows concerning the legal justice system lately. It’s about a man who spent 20 years on death row wrongly convicted for the murder of a woman. I enjoyed this for the most part although I felt it could have added more of a discussion on how people get wrongly convicted and things like that. The man tells the viewer about his experiences in death row from things like how he tried to escape and his experiences with prison guards as if he were telling you a story over coffee. He is engaging and the stories are intense; you just want to listen to every word he says and he makes really good sound effects (lol) but overall this fell a little flat for me.

Yuri on Ice

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This show has taken the internet by storm and I can see why. It’s a sport anime with a gay romance at its center. My sister’s obsessed so I thought I’d give it a try even though anime is not for me. At this point in time, I feel like anime is still not my thing. I just found it kind of boring and the animation for the skating is kind of cheesy. But I love the theme song and I’ll admit it has a very endearing quality to it with endearing characters. I’ve been keeping up with the summaries via my sister and at this point, I just want them to explicitly kiss 😉

Cinderella and the Four Knights (Korean drama)

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I was recommended this by a friend and I quit by episode 3. At first, I had hopes even though it was a reverse harem and there were some foreboding signs of stereotypical Korean drama tropes that didn’t try to do anything different with them. But the two main characters had promise; their backstories were compelling enough, and the other characters were annoying but amusing. But by the third episode, everything just became boring and uneventful and the main characters do that typical dance they do in Korean dramas where they do the will-they-won’t-they without any legit reasons as to why they shouldn’t be together besides the female heroine being obligated to be hard to get. There is one scene where her suitcase falls into the lake and of course, the main love interest is there to dive in and fish her most precious things out for her while the other guys just stand and watch. Also the dramatic music is amped up for this. Scenes like that are suppose to make me swoon. Heck, a scene with Shi Jin and Mo Yeon  eating ramen in Descendants made me scream in happiness but this one just made me roll my eyes.

Legend of the Blue Sea

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If there’s anything I have to give Legend of the Blue Sea credit for, it’s the production value. The gorgeous backdrop of Spain in the first few episodes made it a lot more watchable. I buddy watched this with Summer @xingsings and we agreed that the plot and mermaid lore had basically no logic and by the third episode, we were both bored because it seemed to being going nowhere. It’s kind of sad because Lee Min Ho and Jun Ji-Hyun are both fantastic actors and LMH is really good looking in this one in my opinion but there’s just not enough meat to pair with their acting. It also felt like a replica of My Love From Another Star except with a different supernatural creature because there’s the underlying concept of fate and destiny and flashbacks to dynastic periods that also feel boring. As with MLFAS, one of the main characters is not nearly developed enough as their counterpart. In this case, it’s the mermaid who has no backstory or mystery, and no sense of desire. The writers drew her to act like a child but without that sense of awe and wonder as Ariel in The Little Mermaid. So if you can’t tell by now, I’m dropping this.

Love O2O

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I seem to be suffering from low attention span or something because I also dropped this after the second episode. It’s a romance Chinese drama centering around two people who meet through an online game. I really, really liked that concept because it reminds me of my high school days when I would shamelessly go on computer games and meet random strangers and go into battles and marry them because that’s acceptable online. Anyways, back to the present, I thought that the CGI and editing were pretty good and has a fantastical quality to it. But I mostly thought the story was just boring and I felt like the drama made events more dramatic and important than they actually were. 

The Night Of (HBO miniseries)

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This was probably one of my favorite TV shows these past few months. If you like crime shows or if you like shows revolving around the technicalities of the law, I highly recommend this. It’s definitely a slow burn but I think it really has something important to say about how the American criminal justice system: how it racially profiles minorities and how it treats the wrongly convicted. A system that is suppose to be fair often only cares about painting a picture of guilt and innocence and getting money instead of finding the truth. The whole show is shrouded in mystery as we follow a young Muslim American man named Nasir Khan who spends the night with a random stranger he just met. There’s drugs and alcohol involved and he wakes up only to find her dead. It keeps the intensity and suspense all the way through its short run of 8 episodes. It alternates between the perspective of  Nasir and John Stone, his lawyer, who is not very respected in the lawyer community. There were faults with his perspective and other narrative faults but they’re minor compared to the great acting, cinematography and story.

And that’s a wrap! I hope you enjoyed and I will definitely have a lot of movie reviews coming your way this month! Let me know if you’ve seen any of these and if you have any recommendations for me considering my wrap up.







TV Review: Age of Youth

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Image result for age of youth poster

Title: Age of Youth

Country of Origin: South Korea

Written by: Park Yeon Seon

Channel: JTBC

Number of episodes: 12

Starring: Han Ye-Ri, Han Seung-yeon, Park Eun-bin, Ryu Hwa-young, Park Hye-Soo



Age of Youth is a drama that reminded me of one of those montages where a little child is running across a dandelion field in the late afternoon and the sun is casting this hazy sheen over the video while indie acoustics is playing in the background. It just makes you feel inspired and warm and content on the inside. AoY just has these lovely moments of friendship and unconditional support woven throughout that were so heartwarming and hopeful. Couple that with immersive acting, a brilliant indie rock and pop soundtrack*, and a story that defies stereotypes and you have a gem among kdramas and a serious contender for my favorite TV show of 2016.


Over a mere length of 12 episodes, it follows the lives of five 20 something year old girls who live in the Belle Epoque together.

I felt like this drama truly gives life to the term, “slice of life”, because the viewer is only following these girls for a short period of time (a year?) and not all the storylines are wrapped up neatly in the end. You get the sense that you are peeking in at only one part of their lives and it feels as though they’ve had a life before the drama started and they will have a life after the drama has ended and that speaks to how rich and nuanced these characters. This is true despite the fact that these girls’s families are rarely mentioned–a rarity in a kdrama. There are only hints sprinkled throughout about their families and it’s all that’s needed to glimpse their character and interpret the rest for yourself.

Image result for age of youth

I didn’t get a sense of all of these girls until maybe I had watched the first three episodes but once I did, I came to adore them as though they were my dearest friends. There is Kang Yi Na, who sleeps with wealthy men for money and is haunted by a mysterious past; Jung Ye-Eun who is your traditional girly-girl who is loving and loyal to her boyfriend, Yoon Jin Myung who works two part time jobs in order to pay for school, Song Ji-Won who is the brash and flirty mediator of the group, and Yoo Eun-Jae who is shy and reserved and newcomer to the group.

Image result for age of youth

Most left: Song Ji Won, Yoo Eun Jae, Yoon Jin Myung, Jung Ye-Eun, Kang Yi Na

I was so impressed with how much the drama was able to follow each girl in her own story with an almost equal amount of screentime for each; some of their stories had a bit of a mystery element to them as it was slowly revealed what their past is. There’s also a hint of the supernatural (one of the roommates supposedly sees ghosts) and although it is jarring it does tie the girls’ stories together. I was as equally impressed by the way that the emotional topics explored were done in an exceptionally unexpected and interconnected way. I have to give part of that credit to these actresses because they didn’t just play these characters; they became the characters. They wore their vulnerability so openly that you can’t help but feel for them. I loved all their storylines but my favorites would have to be Yoon’s and Kang’s. Yoon is an example of how realistic this drama is and how much better off it is because of that.
Because of her 2 part time jobs and her dedication to her studies, she rarely spends time with the other girls and the drama actually shows that! She is reserved and no nonsense but finds herself enduring things like abusive bosses and missed buses as just another obstacle to face. She believes her suffering will become rewards in the end. Kang is more of your carpe diem character. She is resourceful and blunt and would probably have been characterized as the “bitch” in any lesser drama and given a cliche and disrespectful story arc but she doesn’t let anyone judge her for the way she lives her life or her sexuality and the drama has a lovely development arc for her that doesn’t sacrifice who she is as a character.

Although each girl has a journey to find her own agency, a lot of their storylines parallel each other. Each episode follows a theme of sorts and each episode ends with interviews from the characters regarding the events of the episode so we get to see more of their inner thoughts. There are jealousies and petty fights as seen with Jung and her constant jealousy over Yi Na’s beauty. In any other kdrama, I feel as though these girls would have been pitted against each other as enemies but AoY is so much smarter than that and sees that you don’t have to only have a one-sided view of someone because that’s just not human and that doesn’t have to change the fact that they will both support each other in the end. This mixed bag of emotions just makes them more relatable and dynamic.

AoY explores a number of different topics: poverty, familial duty, envy, friendship, abusive relationships and, of course romantic love. I love my love stories. I truly do but I loved the fact that romantic love came second in this drama. I love that these girls’ aspirations are not just an added bonus for getting the guy or just something that’s conveniently solved for them because they suffered and were “good girls”. Like oh the rich guy who I just ended up with just paid for my bakery startup or whatever. These dreams had weight to them because these girls had to achieve them and there was an uncertainty about their dreams that felt honest and genuine to their age. Although AoY is at heart a lighthearted drama, it delves into its more serious and nuanced drama head on and although sometimes it felt offputting, it never loses its tone, consistency of the characters or their friendships with each other.

This year seems to be the revival year for Korean dramas for me. I’ve lavishly praised Descendants of the Sun and Signal but this one just spoke to me. It spoke to me in the ways I remember college and all the uncertainties and hope that came with and is still with me in my 20’s. It is unabashedly centered on female stories and their friendships and unabashedly unafraid of showing the slow details of daily life living with roommates. And of course, its nuanced and realistic in depth exploration of difficult topics makes it stand out as one of the best.



What I’ve Been Watching: April/May

Book to Movie Review, Recommendations, Uncategorized

Buckle your seatbelts and grab a snack, this is going to be a long post. So after my Descendants of the Sun watch, I’m kind of on a Korean drama binge watch phase. It’s already starting to wear off because I just DNF’d a lot of them but still..Anyways, I loved most of what I watched these past two months. Being an organization crazed person and knowing that you probably don’t want to read through this entire list, I have assembled a list of the things I watched in order by type. They’re in order so just scroll down respectively to see my thoughts on them. BUT the two shows at the bottom of the list are the ones I would recommend the most out of all the things I’ve watched. Enjoy! =)

Sidenote: All summaries are from Wikipedia.


  • Zootopia
  • Room
  • Captain America: The First Avenger

TV Shows

  • Friends
  • Futurama


  • Jenn from Clothesencounters

Korean Dramas

  • Reply 1988
  • Signal
  • Descendants of the Sun



Sigh, this movie just makes me so happy, one of the better Disney movies of late because it strikes a near perfect balance of lovable characters, hilarious moments, action scenes, and an engaging, relatable story. Sometimes it’s a little too on-the-nose with the parallels to our society which makes me feel like these messages of anti-prejudice were being shoved down my throat. A little subtlety would have been appreciated although this is me speaking as a person who analyzes things all the dang time. I’m sure kids will love it.


What It’s About: Held captive for seven years in an enclosed space, a woman (Larson) and her 5-year-old son (Tremblay) finally gain their freedom, allowing the boy to experience the outside world for the first time.

The movie is actually better than the book. Granted, I forgot a lot of what happened in the book but I believe the movie delved a lot more into the aftermath of being in Room rather than being in Room which I thought was fascinating because half the battle was actually escaping but I came to realize that they’ll never really escape it; it will always be with them. A well-deserved Academy Award for Best Actress for Brie Larson. 

Captain America: The First Avenger

I think I know what the writers of Captain America were thinking when they were writing the script for this movie…

“Hey Jerry, um, people are really liking superhero movies right now, let’s just copy the basic formula. People will eat it up.”

“Ok, Dave, that’s sounds like an easy route to millions. Ok, um, an underdog that’s a white guy, oh and um a badass girl who’s in the army too!!

“Oh cool, what’s her story?

“What story? She just needs to shoot a gun like twice so feminists will not be angry with us and be the love interest.”

“Ok, sure, sounds good, ok, um, a bad guy!”

“Yeah, sure, a bad guy, write that down. He says muahahaha.. And oh, throw in some action scenes!!”

“Let’s do one where he jumps—

“Jerry, who cares about originality, just have the bad guys shoot at him while he’s riding a motorcycle!!”

“Ok, done with the script”

Christ. I seriously hope Winter’s Soldier is better than this.

TV Shows


I finished all ten seasons of Friends for the first time!!! Honestly it was easy because Netflix has that thing where it just automatically goes to the next episode for you..You know how binge watching works don’t you Netflix..Ah, I grew so attached to these characters and it’s so rare that a TV show doesn’t dip in quality through 10 seasons. Not sure how I feel about the ending with the whole Ross/Rachel thing mostly because they’re my least favorite characters lol but anyway..


-Best romance award goes to Joey and Chandler.

-The whole Monica/Chandler side plot especially in later seasons was so adorable and surprisingly really emotional.



What It’s About: The series follows the adventures of a late-20th-century New York City pizza delivery boy, Philip J. Fry, who, after being unwittingly cryogenically frozen for one thousand years, finds employment at Planet Express, an interplanetary delivery company in the retro-futuristic 31st century.

Currently on: Season 3

Finally I know where all these old popular memes are coming from lol. But surprisingly this show is so sweet. I thought it would just have really crass humor similar to like South Park, Family Guy and it does have that but it balances out so well with its sweet undertone. It’s also really clever and a really funny parody and satire. 



I’ve only recently subscribed to Jenn but she’s already one of my favorite beauty channels. I think she puts in so much work to her videos because the details are so unique from the typography to the editing and camera movements to the placement of products. I also love her chic/edgy fashion style although I wouldn’t look good in like half the things she wears.

Korean Dramas

Reply 1988

What It’s About: It is a family drama set in the year 1988, about five families living in the same neighborhood of Ssangmun-dong, Dobong District, NorthernSeoul.

After DotS, I wanted to watch the majority of the dramas nominated in the 52nd Paeksang Arts Awards which I’ve heard is like the Golden Globes. Honestly, this just made me want to watch Reply 1997 again (my favorite kdrama of all time) and not in a good way. To be quite honest, I don’t know why I stopped after 5 episodes especially since the first episode made me cry and it’s actually written very well. I did really like the emphasis on the family dynamics and community but I guess the main characters weren’t compelling enough? Or maybe I’m just not in the mood for a family drama. I think I might come back to this one.

Sidenote: I think this show is basically 90% everyone yelling at each other. Like honestly, everyone needs to chill.


What It’s about: A mysterious walkie talkie allows a detective in 1989 to communicate with a cold case profiler from 2015; with the power of fore and hindsight the two not only solve crimes but prevent them from ever taking place. However a long standing murder case is closer to home than either realizes.

Signal is another nominee in the Paeksang Awards but I was wary because I loathe procedural cop shows. Signal is a procedural cop show. But I loved it. I suppose it’s more of the fact that it resembles BBC Sherlock a lot more than say Criminal Minds in that it focuses more on the intricacies of the puzzle than who actually did it. This drama is a prime example of what a well-written, tight, and suspenseful plot can do for a story. Usually cop shows go from a suspenseful scene to a calm one in order to develop the characters but Signal seamlessly weaves in the suspense and the calm so that it feels like your heart is being constantly squeezed throughout the entire episode. A lot of cop shows also rely on sensationalized murders to amp up the dramatic like “hey that guy killed 25 women and always kills them by the neck on Saturdays at 5pm” or something like that. As horrible as that is, it gets boring because it’s just episode after episode of these. But I love that Signal takes the time to get us to know the murderer and it is handled with such delicacy. And that makes all the difference. Because the plot is not just used to move the story along, it’s used to reveal what our characters’ motivations and deepest fears are. So that means very few aspects of the plot feel without purpose. It was fascinating to see our main characters, idealistic cops who believe in the power of justice face police corruption and frustrating bureaucracy. It’s honestly too bad that the last two episodes basically serve as a plea for a second season. It’s also too bad that they completely butcher the only main female character’s arc. *Rolls eyes* But the show’s amazing cinematography, melancholy color tones, and award-winning performances combined with all the good parts I mentioned above make this show a must-watch.Also, this is the first kdrama I’ve watched that has no romance whatsoever and it was kind of awesome actually.

Sidenotes: Omurice is a significant dish in the show and it looked so good so I made it and it turned out to be surprisingly good considering my cooking..

-The main character, Park-Hae Young who is played by Lee Je-Hoon is actually too cute for words. Like his low-key cuteness just kind of sneaks up on you.

Descendants of the Sun

Another opportunity to shove this drama down people’s throats?? Sign me up..I’ve already mentioned this drama in like 4 posts so if you haven’t seen it yet, here’s my reviewAlso if anyone can buy me that poster, I don’t care if you’ve killed puppies, you’ll be my favorite forever and ever. Jk. Kind of.

I’m seriously ashamed to say that I haven’t caught up with Orphan Black since the 2nd episode of the new season. Woops..I promise I’ll catch up in June but yeah that’s probably what I’m going to be watching next. What have you been watching lately? Any recommendations? I’d love to know =)
