The Villain Squad Tag!


I think of October as tapping into your dark side so I’m here with a tag celebrating all the villains we all love and love to hate. This tag was created by 4 people over on booktube. I’ll link Kassidy’s video since she’s was the first I saw. Ok so, you can choose any villains from books, movies, or TV. I stuck mostly to books but I did delve into other media.
Think of your own villain identity and power!

I suck at making up names but I really like the sound of Dark Savior because since I suck even more at thinking of villain names, I decided to go for irony. But the more I thought about it, the more I liked it because I like the fact that a savior is suppose to be the face of hope and obviously save the people from evil but since I’m the savior, there can be no savior..

I also suck at thinking of powers that I want. But I decided the one I want is the telekinesis that Syndrome has in the movie the Incredibles. I mean he can fly so bonus points. I actually thought about having Violet’s power (invisibility and invincibility bubbles) but I would have no offense and I’m not smart enough to use those to my advantage so I’ll just go for flashy 😉

So now to assemble my team! Which villains would you want on your team?
The Leader – Pick a villain to lead the squad.

I have to pick Voldemort for this one because he knows how to gain a following. He knows how to manipulate and persuade plus he’s actually really smart but can be charming at the same time. I mean, he’s basically the ultimate villain.
The Killer Smile – Pick a villain who’s just extremely attractive


Vlane from the Darkfever series. He is a Seelie Prince whose power is basically making people die through sex appeal. His appearance changes with what kind of person you find attractive. Yeah..
The Loose Canon – Pick a villain that marches to the beat of their own drum

Maleficient! I actually have not read the original story but from what I can tell from the movie, she’s a solo villain and doesn’t need anyone to do her dirty work. Also, she can turn into an evil dragon :3

The Unhinged One – Pick a villain that isn’t playing with a full deck.

One of my favorite villains of all time is The Joker because he’s so unhinged but so incredibly smart and is always one step ahead of you and I think that is what makes him truly terrifying. Plus he’s also aesthetically horrifying too.

The Redeemer – Pick a villain that’s on a path of redemption/would play both sides

The first person that popped into my head was Regina from Once Upon a Time. I can’t really explain to you how much I love Regina. Her character arc is so, so beautiful and her character continues to impress me even as Once Upon a Time deteriorates as a show (it’s just gotten worse with every season). She’s literally the queen of sassy comebacks.

The Evil One – Pick a villain that is just bad to the bone.

Sarren from The Immortal Rules trilogy. He is violent, sadistic and shows no mercy. I mean, remember the end of The Eternity Cure?? There is literally no hint of humanity with this one.
The Once-Was-Good – Pick a villain that didn’t originally start out as a villain.

I was going to pick Boromir from Lord of the Rings but I need more lady villains so I’m going with Levana from The Lunar Chronicles. I’m kind of cheating a little because I haven’t read Fairest but from reading and watching videos, it looks like she doesn’t start off as a villain and I think she’s the kind of evil you just love to hate. I figure she can work with Regina to create illusions *evil laugh*

I actually think I have a pretty badass team #squadgoals ;). Who would you pick for your villain squad?

I tag:

Meg @ Little Blog of Books

Samantha @ Dream by Day

Jenna @ Reading with Jenna

Charley @ booksandbakes1

and you!
