An Analysis: Sexism in Harry Potter

Book Discussion, Uncategorized

I’ve reread Harry Potter about a million times now but during September/October I reread Harry Potter for probably the first time since I started college which was 5 years ago. As I’ve become more and more involved in feminist theory and pop culture, I wanted to see if Harry Potter live up to the heralding feminism that it has been known for all these years especially in its feminist icon, Hermione Granger.  I will discuss some observations I’ve made through a feminist lens.


Harry and Ron flying the car to Hogwarts in the HP & the Chamber of Secrets illustrated edition

Let’s first talk about Lily Potter. For all intents and purposes, Lily Potter is a Mary Sue and used essentially for man pain. In fact, Snape’s entire backstory, present, and future was dependent entirely on his love for Lily Potter. That love manifests through him. Yet Lily Potter is never truly presented as a true character separate from her relationship with either Harry, James, or Snape. For most of the series, she is used as a symbol of love. As it is stated repeatedly, it was her love and sacrifice that has allowed Harry to be safe from Voldemort this entire time. What was she good at (besides Potions as Slughorn consistently repeats)? What were her dreams and aspirations? You could argue that she is not alive in Harry’s world and therefore not truly a character anyways yet why does James Potter and the rest of the Marauders feel more like real characters? In The Order of the Phoenix, Harry realizes that what he has always thought his father was: courageous and selfless turns out to be a lot more complex. As we know from experiencing Snape’s memory, James Potter is rather arrogant and honestly a bully.  You get a real sense of who he was mainly because it is mirrored through Harry but do we really know who Lily was? Not really. She is seen first and foremost as a mother who sacrificed her life and love for Harry and is defined by this throughout the series as a beacon of those symbols instead of a person full of love and sacrifice. There’s a difference.

I think my frustration with it stems from the fact that a lot of the male characters are allowed to be morally grey. Sirius, James, Snape, Dumbledore, Grindelwald, and Draco Malfoy are allowed to have morally ambiguous storylines that never undermine who they are as characters and are always offered some sort of redemption. Meanwhile I rarely see the female characters if any straddle this fine line. They are either solely on the good side or the bad side. Mrs. Weasley, Tonks, Professor McGonagall, Aunt Petunia, Luna and Hermione are all placed firmly on this “good” side. Although they are distinguished characters, they are by no means ambiguous. The only ones I would consider to be so is Umbridge, Merope, and to some extent Narcissa. Although if we are judging by moral ambiguity, Umbridge is not really an ambiguous character so much as a “good guy” in the loosest form of the word who is highly, highly annoying and just plain ignorant but really does nothing to redeem herself. The only one that does so in story only is Merope who uses a love potion to manipulate Tom Riddle Sr. to fall in love with her. Though this is incredibly manipulative, the reader understands that she is misguided and the product of an entire life’s worth of abuse. But still that’s really only 2 female characters who would be considered morally grey but that is very little compared with the plethora of ambiguous male characters. 


Phoenixes in HP & the Chamber of Secrets illustrated edition

It wouldn’t be the only example of female characters being erased from having a personality and a character arc. Hermione, herself, the feminist icon, although she has her flaws and her strengths does not have much character development. She is always selflessly serving the main plotline. 

She oftentimes feels like a plot device especially in the last book where she repeatedly gets them out of sticky situations but never actually solves anything. One example is in the Chamber of Secrets where she discovers that the monster in the chamber of secrets is a basilisk. The paper that she finds it in is conveniently discovered by Harry who then proceeds to fight the Basilisk while she is Petrified in the hospital wing. Another prime example is in Luna’s house where they somehow get out with Hermione’s ability to know more spells and assess the situation before the others as well as conveniently having everything in her little bag but the real solutions to kill the Horcruxes come from Harry and Ron even the information to actually kill the Horcruxes came from Hermione. It is clear that Harry and Ron would not have survived without Hermione but it feels like she is being used more as a useful tool than a real person. In terms of character development I have a hard time understanding what Hermione’s ambitions are. To be fair, we don’t really get a good grasp on Ron’s ambitions either but somehow Hermione’s seem more vague to me. It is adamantly clear however, that Ron definitely has more character development. He is allowed to walk out on them and have his own time to figure things out for himself. Hermione does not get that luxury. We also, barely know who her parents are and what they are like which is essentially the character development. On the other hand, we get to know Ron’s brothers and Ginny and how they have shaped Ron’s life views. The only time it has ever been clear has been when she was in the throes of SPEW.

It’s kind of funny that Ron and Hermione are prefects. For all intents and purposes, it is not a surprise that Dumbledore chose Hermione to be a prefect, however, Ron? It is unclear why Ron should be prefect, not because he is incapable of being one but because throughout the series, he has never shown a tendency to rule following or even particularly any tendency towards leadership. His grades aren’t the best either. It was even more uncomfortable to me when Dumbledore told Harry that he did not make him prefect because he thought Harry “had enough to be getting on with.” Harry would literally make the worst prefect ever! He is always getting himself into trouble and getting into other people’s businesses including but not limited to getting out of bed at night, going into Hogsmeade without permission. I’m not saying I wouldn’t do these things if I were in Harry’s shoes but the fact is is that it’s not prefect material. Meanwhile on the other hand, Hermione is the perfect prefect material. She is dedicated to her studies and to the rules making her the ideal role model for young first years. I think it speaks to how Hermione who consistently uses her intellect to get shit done is consistently overshadowed by the boys who dont’ have much but their own intuition to follow. I think it’s a consistent pattern that I see in books and movies where a boys intuition and recklessness is valued over a girl’s intellect.

Dumbledore tells Harry to listen to Hermione when he was talking about Sirius and Kreacher and Occlumency. Time again, Hermione’s opinions are valued less than the boys’. Whether that is a statement on sexism in the world in general that JK Rowling wanted to bring to light or if JK Rowling is subconsciously projected some ingrained sexism into the books, I don’t know. I have a feeling it’s a bit of both although if it is a statement what we only get from it is that Hermione is obnoxious and Harry continues to not listen to her anyways so I’m not exactly sure we are suppose to be siding with Hermione. 

Just because female characters are badass and take no names does not mean that the context itself is feminist. Hermione may be smart and kickass and someone every little girl wants to be, it doesn’t really focus on the fact that she is treated through a feminist lens. She is often seen with the other women of the books as naggy and a complete rule follower. More and more, the male characters are seen to have more distinct personality traits. It also does not negate the fact that although JK Rowling has mentioned in interviews that when you take away physical strength from the equation, witches are just as powerful as wizards. Yet most of the major players of the Harry Potter world are male, the ones who propel the story forward, the ones who have higher positions of authority and even the ones that are deemed the most important to the narrative of the story. For example, the Mauraders are all male. We have Dumbledore (who is essentially a father figure to Harry), Snape (the most tragic of the series), Voldemort (the main villain), most of the people in the Order are male including Kingsley, Moody, Mundungus, and Moody. Most of the Death Eaters are male, Lucius, Wormtail. All of the Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers were male. So really all of the major, major players are male so this statement does not really hold up does it. I also found the characterization of Lavender Brown to be slightly off putting. From someone who has always makes sure her characters are well developed and distinguished it is odd that she would make Lavender Brown such a hysterical, ditzy female. The characterization when even compared to the other small male side characters is jarring. Seamus, Dean, and even Wood have, throughout the series, become more and more complex however small their role is in the book yet Lavender Brown, Alicia Spinnet, Angelina Johnson, and Katie Bell have no distinguishing features. Even Ernie Macmillan who we only saw briefly in the fifth book is more distinct. The lack of distinguishing characteristics to females as opposed to males is disheartening and negates female characters to certain roles rather than seeing them as distinct people on their own.

Image result for molly weasley gifs

Reading Harry Potter again through the feminist lens has made me realize the extent that the books do not live up to feminist critique. It can be said, however, that the book definitely have feminist aspects to it which I totally agree with but it is not entirely faultless. I will always love these books but I bear these in mind that Harry Potter is not infallible.


20 thoughts on “An Analysis: Sexism in Harry Potter

    1. Thanks! =) And I’ve read many, many articles toting this series as feminist especially when discussing Hermione Granger since she is one of the main female characters and she is super smart and all that, which doesn’t make any piece of fiction feminist but there you go.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Wow how disappointing. Makes me see it in a different/bad light. It’s too bad, again, that a popular, classic media/book/tv show/movie is “sexist”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I’m glad it helped you! I would love to read your essay if you ever want to share it haha. I’m always interested in reading about sexism in harry potter.


  2. I know i’m super late for this but I wanted to comment ´cause it’s such an interesting subject !

    I feel like we are at a time when feminism and women rights made a huge progress really quickly. Feminism, sexism, sex equality became topics everyone talks about, it’s really present in medias and culture nowadays, and this is so great. I get the feeling that the Me Too mouvement changed our entire (western) society and made feminism « popular », when before way less people called themselves feminist.

    So, looking back to Harry Potter, written between 1997 and 2007, and honestly every other popular books/films/series from early 2000’s, it feels like another time. I feel like Harry Potter is a good reflection of its time, with a little more tolerance, a little more strong female characters, but nothing revolutionary. I reckon it would be different if it was written today. I would love to see a modern adaptation of Harry Potter with a touch of today’s feminism.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. It’s never too late to comment! I appreciate you taking the time to read my stuff, so thanks for that!
      I’m definitely still grateful to Harry Potter for what it has done. I definitely also agree it would have been different had it been written today.
      Even now, problems arise because feminism is trendy. Only certain kinds of feminism are trendy, but I definitely feel we’re heading there!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Also a very late commenter (great article!) but I agree with this. Leaving aside JK’s own personal views which we all know far too much about, she is a woman of a certain generation which definitely has had an influence. I actually see similar attitudes in my own family, women who have internalised a lot of sexism and see men as the default and that women’s stories aren’t as vital or interesting. You definitely see this with Lily Potter versus James Potter.
      One thing I would quibble slightly with is Petunia. She turns out to have good motivations in the end but she was complicit in Harry’s abuse and neglect for 17 years all because she was obessed with social status. She definitely is grey to me. I’d actually love to read her story.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Speaking of being a woman of her generation, I’m curious to hear what you think about how she views social justice matters especially on Twitter. She is after all a woman of her generation. Is it fair to ask her to be progressive on all of her views? Or is it more like trying to teach your grandparents about the issues and if the message hits, it hits, if it doesn’t what can you do?

        Yes, I definitely agree with you about Lily Potter’s story! I wish more character backstory was given to her instead of being fodder for Snape’s story.

        I see your point! She’s def more of a mystery than I made her out to be, especially the glimpses we see of her in Snape’s memories.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I guess this article helped me view Harry Potter in a different light, one side of me was trying to defend Harry Potter, while the other was reading what you said and tried to remember what I read from the series to confirm if there was sexism.


  4. I guess this article helped me view Harry Potter in a different light, one side of me was trying to defend Harry Potter, while the other was reading what you said and tried to remember what I read from the series to confirm if there was sexism.


  5. This was a great critique, thank you! When looking for any comments about Harry Potter, it’s hard to find the balance between loving/hating the series and some solid points, and you make all of them. Something that I missed here was an analysis about Ginny Weasley and Fleur Delacour. I think they are show lots more about the “feminism” in the series – while Hermione is there to show that a girl can be the smartest one in the room (something that many of us can relate), Fleur shows us about how even when you haven’t done anything wrong, you can’t escape from sexism and female competition. While Ginny is all about girls who got stronger by having to deal with a sexist family (even being prejudiced herself) and end up being very feminine (opposing Hermione), smart and strong. Thanks for the text 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You have a good point with Ginny and Fleur. I think that it was interesting that JK Rowling sort of made her almost a “not like other girls” type of character. There was even a quote in the book where Harry says Ginny rarely cried. It was one of the things he loved most about her. Fleur is also “other” because she is more ditzy and wields her beauty more. They’re both portrayed as other in a way. Thanks for your comment!

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  6. @Carolyn, I can’t seem to reply in thread – ah well.

    I don’t know honestly. There are older people than her who get it – and there are people younger who don’t. I suppose the question is how willing someone is to question the environment they grew up in, and it seems that JK isn’t all that willing to…

    Liked by 1 person

  7. There are actually quite a lot of morally grey female characters besides the ones you mentioned.
    – Marietta Edgecombe (Cho Chang’s friend) who betrays the DA becomes conflicted between following the advice of her parents vs her friends. Definitely neither good nor evil
    – Rita Skeeter is another morally grey character – she is an opportunistic and crafty reporter. She starts off as a malicious reporter trying to sell papers and yet plays an important role in helping Harry tell the truth regarding Voldemort’s return – also neither good nor evil
    – Aunt Petunia should also be on the morally grey list. Yes she agreed to take Harry in, protecting him from Voldemort all these years. However I wouldn’t consider her to be good considering how she abused Harry quite badly, essentially making him live below the stairs and starving him on some days. She’s definitely complex and definitely morally grey as well

    And adding these characters to Merope, Narcissa, there are quite a few morally grey characters.

    Also, there are a lot more side-female characters than just Lavender Brown, Alicia Spinnet, Angelina Johnson, and Katie Bell. Cho Chung, Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley all get pretty fleshed out backstories and motivations on the same level as the guys eg. Dean, Seamus, Neville etc.

    Would have also liked to see more mention regarding your thoughts on Professor Mcgonagall, Bellatrix Lestrange, Molly Weasley who are some of the most powerful female characters in the entire book!


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